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DLF for Primary Schools

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1. Learner Outcomes

1.1 Standard: Pupils enjoy their learning, are motivated to learn and expect to achieve as learners

Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active engagement in attaining appropriate learning outcomes.

Pupils use digital technologies to collect evidence and record progress.


Teacher Online Survey


Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active, creative and critical engagement in attaining challenging learning outcomes.

Pupils use digital technologies to collect evidence, record progress, evaluate and reflect, and to create new solution and/or products.


Teacher Online Survey



1.2 Pupils have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand themselves and their relationships

Pupils have a positive attitude towards the use of digital technologies and are aware of possible risks and limitations.

Pupils understand the potential risks and threats in digital environments.

Pupils have a positive attitude towards the use of digital technologies, being aware of possible risks and limitations, and have the confidence and skills to realise the benefits.

Pupils can confidently protect their digital identity and manage their digital footprint.


1.3 Pupils demonstrate the knowledge, skills and understanding required by the primary curriculum

Pupils can use a range of digital technologies to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and understanding required by the Primary School Curriculum.

Pupils use digital technologies effectively to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in accordance with the content objectives, learning outcomes, skills and concepts of the Primary School Curriculum.

Pupils, in collaboration with their teacher and/or parents, follow their individual learning needs and preferences, with the aid of appropriate digital technologies.

Pupils use digital technologies in highly effective ways to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in accordance with the content objectives, learning outcomes, skills and concepts of the Primary School Curriculum.


1.4 Pupils achieve the stated learning objectives for the term and year

Pupils are provided with personal feedback and differentiated support based on evidence gathered using a range of methods including digital technologies.

Pupils and/or parents use digital technologies to access information on learners’ performance, in a safe and ethical way.

Pupils use evidence gathered by a range of methods including digital technologies to record progress and identify areas for improvement, and have opportunities to address these with their teacher.

Pupils and/or parents use digital technologies to access, evaluate and interpret the results of formative, summative, self- and peer-assessments.


2. Learner Experiences

2.1 Standard: Pupils engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities

Pupils use digital technologies for sourcing, exchanging of information to develop understanding and support basic knowledge creation.

Pupils use a variety of digital technologies for knowledge creation to source, critique, and manage information and to reflect on their learning.


2.2 Pupils grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive

Digital interactions, among pupils and between pupils and teachers, are respectful and positive, and conducive to well-being.

Pupils use digital technologies confidently to deepen their knowledge by engaging in appropriate public discourse and civic participation.

Digital interactions, among pupils and between pupils and teachers, are respectful, challenging and support the well-being of all pupils.

Pupils use digital technologies to respectfully communicate, collaborate, and co-create knowledge through active engagement in appropriate public discourse and civic participation.

2.3 Pupils reflect on their progress as learners and develop a sense of ownership of and responsibility for their learning

Pupils use digital technologies to collect evidence, record and reflect on their progress, and develop their competence as self-directed learners.

Pupils use digital technologies to creatively and critically develop their competence as autonomous, self-directed learners and are able to set meaningful personal goals for future learning.

3. Teachers' Individual Practice

3.1 Standard: The teacher has the requisite subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and classroom management skills

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to design learning and assessment activities for their pupils.

Teachers design or adapt learning experiences that incorporate digital technologies and make learning activities relevant and meaningful to support pupils’ learning.

When teachers use digital learning activities, they evaluate their effectiveness, and revise their teaching strategies accordingly.


Selecting Digital Resources

Organisational Communication

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to design new opportunities for learning, teaching and assessment.

Teachers model high-level teaching, knowledge and skills, using digital technologies to support pupil creativity, innovation and knowledge creation.

Teachers critically reflect and experiment with a range of digital learning activities, continuously evaluate their effectiveness, and revise their teaching strategies accordingly.


Selecting Digital Resources

Organisational Communication


3.2 The teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress pupils’ learning

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to design learning activities that facilitate personalised and differentiated learning.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to design complex, real-world problems and structure them in a way that incorporates key subject matter concepts.

Teachers confidently, ethically and effectively use digital technologies for managing, monitoring and recording pupil progress.

Teachers use a range of digital technologies to support assessment of learning and assessment for learning.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to support differentiated learning, enabling learners to take ownership of their individual learning needs.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to help pupils design projects and activities that engage them in collaborative problem solving, research, and/or artistic creation.

Teachers use digital technologies to make assessment more relevant and transparent for pupils and parents, allowing them to make informed choices on future learning priorities.

Teachers design and use a variety of digital technologies for assessment of learning and assessment for learning and regularly evaluate their validity and reliability.

3.3 The teacher selects and uses teaching approaches appropriate to the learning objective and to pupils’ learning needs

Teachers are aware of, and purposefully use, a range of digital technologies appropriate to the learning objectives and learning needs of their pupils when designing learning activities.

Teachers use appropriate digital technologies and teaching strategies to enable the development of pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.

Teachers reflect on, and adapt their pedagogical strategies when using digital technologies to personalise and facilitate pupils’ ownership of their learning.

Teachers embed digital technologies to develop, monitor and evaluate pupils’ literacy and numeracy development on an ongoing basis.

4. Teachers’ Collaborative Practice

4.1 Standard: Teachers value and engage in professional development and professional collaboration

Teachers engage in professional development and work with colleagues to help them select and align digital technologies with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities for all pupils.

Teachers evaluate, demonstrate and reflect with peers on the use of digital technologies to innovate and improve educational practice.


Selecting Digital Resources

Organisational Communication

Teachers engage in professional development, lead and support colleagues in selecting and aligning digital technologies with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities for all pupils.

Teachers collaboratively effect change at a whole-school level to innovate and improve educational practice, through the embedding of a range of digital technologies in teaching and learning.


Selecting Digital Resources

Organisational Communication

4.2 Teachers work together to devise learning opportunities for pupils across and beyond the curriculum

Teachers participate in professional online communities to help them design learning opportunities for pupils across and beyond the curriculum.

Teachers use digital technologies to collaborate with appropriate outside agencies and personnel to facilitate meaningful learning experiences for pupils.

Teachers engage in professional online communities to help them continuously design, evaluate and modify learning opportunities for pupils across and beyond the curriculum.

Teachers use digital technologies to collaborate with appropriate outside agencies and personnel to facilitate meaningful interdisciplinary learning experiences for pupils.

4.3 Teachers collectively develop and implement consistent and dependable formative and summative assessment practices

Teachers develop and implement the ethical use of digital technologies to gather, share, and interpret relevant data on pupil learning with colleagues.

Teachers use digital technologies to design and develop a range of appropriate authentic formative and summative assessment practices.

Teachers collectively develop and implement the ethical use of digital technologies to gather, share and interpret relevant data on pupil learning to improve data management and inform whole school formative and summative assessment practices.

Teachers collectively use digital technologies to design and develop a range of appropriate authentic formative and summative assessment practices which are implemented at a whole school level.

4.4 Teachers contribute to building whole- staff capacity by sharing their expertise


Teachers collaborate in determining how digital technologies can be used effectively for teaching, learning and assessment.


Teachers’ Survey on Collective & Collaborative Practice

Teachers lead and support colleagues within the school to develop a shared vision of how digital technologies can enhance learning opportunities for all pupils.


Teachers’ Survey on Collective & Collaborative Practice
